Pompano Beach dives — The Nursery, SS Copenhagen, Aqua Zoo/Sea Emperor, Lighthouse Ledge
- Bait Ball
- Banded Butterflyfish
- Barrel Sponge
- Bearded Fireworm
- Bigeye
- Bigeye
- Blackbar Soldierfish and Grunts
- Blackbar Soldierfish
- Blue Angelfish, Aqua Zoo
- Blue Chromis
- Blue Chromis
- Blue Tang
- Blue Tang
- Bluehead Wrasse – juvenile
- Bluestriped Grunt
- Brain Coral
- Caribbean Spiny Lobsters
- Christmas Tree Worms
- Coca Cola concretion
- Dive Flag
- Fish in a culvert
- Fish in culvert 2
- Flamingo Tongues
- Flamingotongue Snail
- French Angelfish
- French Angelfish and Trumpetfish
- French Angelfish, Sea Emperor
- French Angelfish
- French Grunt
- French Grunt
- Goby sp. in a Sponge
- Gorgonian
- Gorgonian
- Gorgonian
- Graysby
- Grunts in the Sea Emperor
- Inside the Sea Emperor
- Longspine Squirrelfish
- Masked or Glass Gobies
- Neon Gobies and other cleaner gobies
- Nurse Sharks
- Nurse Sharks
- Nurse Sharks
- Nursery aquascape
- Ocean Surgeonfish
- Ocean Surgeonfish
- Ocean Surgeonfish
- On top of the Sea Emperor
- Orangespotted Filefish
- Porkfish and Sailor’s Choice, Aqua Zoo
- Porkfish in Sea Emperor
- Redband Parrotfish and Sea Fans
- Redband Parrotfish
- Rock Beauty
- Safety Stop
- Sergeant Major – blue phase male guarding eggs
- Sergeant Major – blue phase male guarding eggs
- Smooth Trunkfish Orangespotted Filefish
- Smooth Trunkfish
- Smooth Trunkfish
- Spanish Hogfish – juvenile
- Split-crown Feather Duster Worm
- Sponge interior
- Sponge interior
- When an eel bites your thigh, when you’re just swimming by, that’s a “spotted” moray,
- Spotted Scorpionfish
- Spotted Scorpionfish
- Spotted Scorpionfish
- Spotted Goatfish
- SS Copenhagen – anchor
- SS Copenhagen – plaque
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- SS Copenhagen
- Stoplight Parrotfish and Queen Angelfish
- Stoplight Parrotfish
- Trumpetfish and culvert, Sea Emperor
- Trumpetfish
- Tube Sponge on Culvert
- Tube Sponge on Sea Emperor
- Tube Sponge on Sea Emperor
- Tube sponges on culvert, Sea Emperor
- Yellowline Arrow Crab
- Aqua Zoo Culvert
- Spanish Grunt
All photographs are copyright Jonathan Freedman. Any use or reproduction in any form without express permission of the photographer is expressly forbidden.