- Blue-footed Booby Cupcakes
- Flying Spaghetti Monster Casserole
- Creationist Apple Pie
- Intelligently Designed Chicken and Mendelian Pea Dip
- Blue-footed Booby Cake
- Blue-footed Booby Cake
- Descent of Manicotti
- Dodo Biryani and Descent of Naan
- Atheist’s Nightmare Banana Bread
- Evolving Darwin Fish
- Selfish Bean Salad
- Sir Robert’s Banana Bread
- Missing Link
- Mendelian Shooters
- Scopes Monkey Trial Bread
- Darwin’s Birthday Cake
- Galapagos Finch Surprise
- The Cupcake Genome
- Totally Tangy Chromatids
- Adam’s Spare Ribs and The Cod Delusion
- Primordial Poop Cookies
- Darwin’s Finches stuffed with Domesticated Tams and Pecans
- Galapagos Tortoise Brownies
- Primordial Alphabet
- Evo-Loaf
- Sexual Selection “Dumb Blonde” Brownies
- HMS Beagle
- HMS Beagle, Begging.
- Happy 200th, Chuckie D!
- Mendel’s Pea Salad
- Barnacle’s Love
- The Shellfish Gene
- Margulis’ Chocolate Cells (with PB Organelles)
- Cellular Evolution
- Stephen J. Gouldschlager Hard Cider and Wallace’s Wild-type rice lime salad
- Lovers’ Double Chocolate Galapagos Torte-ise
- Theory of Radish-al Cladogenesis Salad and Primordial Ooze (with Ginger Snaps!)
- Punctuated Equili-Brioche, Laetoli Footprints Pie, and HMS Bugles
- HMS Bugles, Margulis’ Chocolate Cells and Pangea (with Volcano!)